DARIAH Grupos de trabajo

Humanidades Digitales

DARIAH Grupos de trabajo

Recopilados de la Web y con información algo más extensa.

Multilingual DH

enhancing digitally-enabled research in under-resourced languages and dialects. It gathers scholars from diverse languages, who will assess the adaptation of existing tools to new languages and will develop tools to address the specific challenges represented by these languages


aims to bring together language teachers and experts in linguistics, computational linguistics, educational sciences, software engineering and digital humanities to explore digital workflows, tools, and solutions for deploying implicit and explicit crowdsourcing methods in the creation of language-learning materials and the collection of language datasets


Ethics and Legality in the Digital Arts and Humanities

Privacy (do we trust the researcher? Confidentiality), Ethical issues (attribution and about abuse in research), Scholarly conduct (reviewing, publication, …), Copyright (Reproduction / Provision / Use), (Open) Licensing


Digital Practices for the Study of Urban Heritage

 Digital Humanities for the Study of Historic Cities
 A Cloud for the Preservation of Cultural Rights
 Promotion of Cultural Dialogue
 GeoVisualisation of Urban Histories
 Participatory Digital Narratives and Citizen Science in Cultural Heritage: co-creation and co-management of informal stories and memories


Bibliographical Data

build a larger framework for bibliographical data research, and address the main issues that the community is facing.


In collaboration with the theatrical experts, Theatralia will analyze the challenges that arise from the digitization of various theatrical aspects, i.e., scenography (sets), costumes, sounds and projections, as well as from a performance as a whole, which would otherwise solely exist in the participants’ or audience’s memory. Theatralia will therefore extend the scope of a current Digital Humanities approach that fails to take into account this intangible heritage aspect.


Research Data Management

Building and maintaining a knowledge base of data management best practices in the humanities: https://www.zotero.org/groups/2427138/data_management_best_practices_in_the_humanities
Providing concise, discipline-or data type-focussed case studies that are adapted to the specific methods, scale, and interests of the disciplinary communities
Facilitating access to Cultural Heritage data, supporting the exchange between the GLAM sector and scholars under the aegis of the Heritage Data Reuse Charter
Building a brokering hub for experts who have data management roles nationally
Design a joint project to undertake with other DARIAH WGs

If you are interested in joining us, please contact us at wg-rdm@dariah.eu

Artificial Intelligence and Music (AIM)

• To bring on the table the currently existing EU technical infrastructures, big and small, for intelligent management of musical information; and to devise possible connections between themselves and with the DARIAH infrastructure.

• To establish an inclusive roadmap for research and education around AI and music, with a special focus on multidisciplinarity in fields contributing now to music and AI. In order to support these two activities in an open, interoperable and scalable Web setting, we ardently advocate Linked Open Data and Web data standards.

For more information about this WG visit https://ai-music.org/



Тhe Working Group is designing and implementing an open-source, multilingual platform for sharing, disseminating and preserving digital humanities teaching and training materials #dariahTeach (http://dariah.eu/teach).


Digital Numismatics

encourage the implementation of the concepts of Linked Open Data (LOD) and the Semantic Web in numismatics.


DH Course Registry

offers a map-based search environment that gives access to a database that contains information on Digital Humanities courses. It currently covers only (a selection of) DH courses offered by European academic organisations, but an extension of the Registry beyond Europe may be considered later.

Visit the DH Course Registry: https://dhcr.clarin-dariah.eu/
Check the DHCR API: https://dhcr.clarin-dariah.eu/api/v2/
Use the dissemination materials: https://dhcr.clarin-dariah.eu/pages/info#publications


Analyzing and linking biographical data

What can we do already with computational methods with the huge amount of digital biographical data that is available? What will we be able to do in the future? What will we not be able to do?


Thesaurus Maintenance


Sustainable publishing of (meta)data


Lexical Resources

to explore, assess and recommend standard tools and methods for the creation, application and dissemination of born-digital and retro-digitized lexical resources (dictionaries, lexicons, thesauri, word lists etc.) as well as other, similar kinds of structured data (gazetteers, almanacs, encyclopaedias etc.); and
to foster, develop and publicize digitally-enabled lexicographic research from a cross-disciplinary and transnational perspective.

Website: https://digilex.hypotheses.org

Github: https://github.com/DARIAH-ERIC/lexicalresources


Women Writers in History

investigates historical sources until 1930 to find out whether female authors were read in the past.


Community Engagement





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